Lähettäjä: Soijuv Lähetetty: 12.5.2008 17:48
Artikkeli käsittelee evoluutiobiologian näkökulmasta taudinaiheuttajien osuutta useimmissa sairauksissa.
"Tähän päivään saakka on systemaattisesti jätetty tutkimatta erilaisten taudinaiheuttajien osuus eri sairauksissa - nimenomaan eri kroonisten sairauksien kohdalla."
How do the concepts of evolutionary biology support the idea that
pathogens are to blame for most diseases?
When we consider the possible causes of disease, it's important to
make sure that at our starting point, we put all categories on the
table. I believe the most useful way to do this is to think in terms
of three main categories:
* inherited genes
* parasitic agents (this includes bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa
* non-living environmental factors (too much or too little of a
particular substance, radiation, exposure to a chemical etc.)
Once we have this spectrum of categories in mind we ask, "Have all
three areas been investigated?
At this point scientists tend to make an error. They decide that if
they have found enough evidence for categories 1 or 3, that category 2
is not playing a role. This is fundamental problem that has led the
medical community to misunderstand the cause of most debilitating
chronic diseases.
So, which of the three categories is overlooked? Category 1 certainly
isn't ? once scientists figured out the structure of DNA and the
nature of mutations they were extremely eager to show their
relationship to disease. Category 3 hasn't been overlooked, largely
because of the fact that we can sense environmental causes of disease.
We suffer from a stomach ache after eating contaminated food or feel
the pain from a sunburn.
But, if we look back at every decade, there has been a lack of
research on category 2 relative to its actual importance in causing
disease. Our track record shows that we have consistently failed to
fully understand the role that pathogens play in causing disease and
this trend has continued up until 2008.
There are many examples of how we have continually overlooked the
category of infectious disease. I'm not talking about acute infection
? researchers were essentially able to work out the mechanisms of
acute infection from 1880 to about 1920. I'm talking about chronic
infection, and thus the role of pathogens in causing chronic disease."
Full text here: http://bacteriality.com/2008/02/11/ewald/
Valvojat: Jatta1001, Borrelioosiyhdistys, Bb