Valvojat: Jatta1001, Borrelioosiyhdistys, Bb

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Viestit: 1816
Liittynyt: Ma Tammi 26, 2009 23:13


Viesti Kirjoittaja Bb » Su Helmi 15, 2009 14:36

Lähettäjä: Soijuv Lähetetty: 11.4.2008 8:24

Brittiläinen A2Z Media tekee parhaillaan dokumenttielokuvaa nimeltään "Lyme Disease - What Is Going On?" (Borrelioosi - missä mennään?)

Dokumentin traileri:

Borreliabakteerin aiheuttama infektio elimistössä voi aiheuttaa lähes minkälaisia oireita tahansa eri puolilla elimistöä. Oireet voivat olla aivan samanlaisia kuin esim. MS-taudissa, kroonisessa fatiikissa, fibromyalgiassa ym. vaikeasti diagnosoitavissa taudeissa.

Borreliabakteeritartunnan saaneiden potilaiden taudinkuva vaihtelee erittäin suuresti. Jotkut ovat lähes oireettomia kun taas toisilla oireet ovat henkeä uhkaavia. Borrelioosi diagnosoidaan usein väärin. Yleiset hoitoprotokollat eivät välttämättä ole riittäviä ja joidenkin lääkäreiden ja potilaiden mukaan borrelioositestien ja/tai riittämättömän hoidon ja lääkäreiden välinpitämättömyyyden vuoksi, tauti on kroonistunut useiden kohdalla.

Tutkijat ja lääkärit eri puolila maailmaa ovat eri mieltä borrelioositestien luotettavuudesta, diagnostiikasta ja hoidoista. Sairastuneiden, heidän perheidensä, ystäviensä ja työnantajiensa tilanne vaikeutuu entisestään. Julkisuudessa esitetty tieto taudin alussa esiintyvästä "klassisesta ympyränmuotoisesta ihomuutoksesta", on harhaanjohtava sillä alle 50 % muistaa nähneensä muutoksen ihossaan.

Olemme avanneet "Pandoran lippaan" ja tehneet dokumentin borrelioosista. Dokumentissa pyritään selvittämään borrelioosia mahdollisimman monista eri näkökulmista; potilaiden, lääkäreiden ja tutkijoiden."

Lyme disease, also known as ?Lyme disease Complex?, is a tick-borne disease and has been called the ?New Great Imitator? due to its ability to mimic many different diseases, including Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME, Fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis, somatization disorder and other hard to diagnose, multi-system disorders.

The spectrum of how patients are affected varies from nearly asymptomatic to severely disabled and life-threatening and is often misdiagnosed due to its ?imitating? ability and lack of its own defining symptoms.

Standard treatment does not always cure Lyme disease and, some doctors and patients claim that under-treatment or denial of treatment due to unreliable testing methods or medical ignorance about the condition have left them chronically ill with an infection that is very difficult to eradicate.

Academics and doctors around the world over fail to agree on the testing methods or accuracy, diagnosis and treatment recommendations; further compounding the obstacles faced by those affected, which include the patients themselves, their families, friends and employers and, ultimately, society at large.
Information about the classic signs of Lyme disease can be misleading, considering less than 50% of patients recall seeing a tick-bite or a ?classic rash?. A ?hidden? disease but with implications of nightmare proportions.

We?ve opened this ?Pandora?s Box? with our documentary, ?Lyme disease: What is going on?, and attempt to explore Lyme disease from all angles: patients, doctors and scientists, to give a comprehensive view on What?s Really Going On.

If you have any questions or comments regarding our programme, please e-mail:
Eva Roethlisberger - Co Founder, Head of Production at A2Z Media is Head of Production on a new film "Lyme Disease - What is going on?".

The film ?Lyme disease: What is going on?" opens a ?Pandora?s Box? with their documentary where they attempt to explore Lyme disease from all angles: patients, doctors and scientists, to give a comprehensive view on What is Really Going On.

Lyme disease, also known as ?Lyme disease Complex?, is a tick-borne disease and has been called the ?New Great Imitator? due to its ability to mimic many different diseases, including Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME, Fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis, somatization disorder and other hard to diagnose, multi-system disorders.

You are encouraged to phone in questions or comments during this live broadcast.

The host of "In Short Order", Sue Vogan, is a published author, book reviewer for, and a Lyme disease advocate.

For information on how to listen and call in to this show go to Sue's Website:

Coming soon on In Short Order:
Eva Roethlisberger -- A new film ?Lyme disease: What is going on?"

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