"Tri Shapiro mainitsee olevansa IDSA:n virallinen tiedottaja Borrelioosia koskevissa asioissa. Hänen mukaansa todellinen borrelioosi jää harvoin diagnosoimatta kun sen sijaan psyykkiset diagnoosit ovat yleisiä mutta jäävät usein huomiotta. Lisäksi positiivinen verinäyte on todennäköisesti väärä mikäli samalla ei ole havaittavissa OBJEKTIIVISIA oireita."
"Associated pathology is rare and rarely missed, whereas psychiatric diagnoses are common and often missed" in these patients, he said.
"When it comes to prevention, be selective in ordering serologic tests, Dr. Shapiro emphasized. "Positive serologic test results without objective signs are very likely false-positive results," he said.
Dr. Shapiro made his remarks in Cambridge, Mass., at a conference on pediatric infectious diseases that was sponsored by Boston University, Pediatric News, and Family Practice News. Pediatric News and Family Practice News are owned by Elsevier. He disclosed that he is the official media spokesperson on Lyme disease for the Infectious Diseases Society of America.
http://www.familypracticenews.com/news/ ... 00108.html
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Valvojat: Jatta1001, Borrelioosiyhdistys, Bb