"Muutama vuosi sitten amerikkalainen 19-vuotias tyttö oli borrelioosin vuoksi niin sairas että hän ei kyennyt liikkumaan, puhumaan jne. Hän ei saanut infektioon hoitoa, ei edes useilta ILADSin lääkäreiltä. Viimein hän löysi ILADS-lääkärin joka oli valmis auttamaan häntä. Hoito on alkanut vaikuttaa; nenämahaletku poistettin ja tyttö pystyy nyt syömään itse, puhumaan ja istumaan. Hän ei vielä pysty kävelemään."
A few years ago, a nineteen year old patient was so severely sick that incredibly, she was refused treatment by most, including some ILADS doctors. Finally, she did see an ILADS doctor who was able to help.
During her ordeal of trying to find a doctor this 19 year old patient told me, "Although there were doctors who didn't help me, I see they are helping others. If I said anything about the failures with me, it might prevent other patients from being helped and I don't want that to happen."
Several weeks ago, I met this young patient's sister who told me that the feeding tube is gone, and that week, this beautiful kid ate a bowl of spaghetti by herself. She's been sitting up, talking and making improvements daily.
She still cannot walk, but two years ago, she couldn't lift her head off her pillow, couldn't speak and the poor kid was being told by most that she couldn't be saved at all. Without a doubt, the family thanks their ILADS doctor for saving her life.
There are so many stories like this, it's too bad that this data is not compiled YET.
Key word, "YET."
Valvojat: Jatta1001, Borrelioosiyhdistys, Bb