Ken 16v - vakavat sydänoireet

Borrelioosiin sairastuneiden henkilökohtaisia kokemuksia taudista ja sen hoidosta.

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Ken 16v - vakavat sydänoireet

Viesti Kirjoittaja soijuv » La Heinä 07, 2012 09:14 ... =fullstory

"Ken ei koskaan halunut tehdä "punkkitarkastusta" tultuaan kotiin vaelluksilta kotinsa lähettyvillä olevilla mäillä. Hän sairastui vakaviin sydänperäisiin oireisiin. 17.6.2012. Tätä ennen hän oli valittanut päänsärkyä ja pahoinvointia.

Ken päätyi ensiapuun. Siellä hänellä havaittiin 10 ihomuutosta eri puolilla kehoa. Sydämen rytmi oli erittäin alhainen, ainoastaan 22/min. Hoitojen jälkeen tilanne paheni sillä rytmi kohosi 280:een ja teknisesti ottaen Ken kuoli. Keniä jouduttiin elvyttämään ja asettamaan sydämentahdistin.

Keniä lähdettiin viemään lastensairaalaan. Sairaalassa hänet laitettiin hengityskoneeseen ja vaivutettiin koomaan. Lääkitys alkoi viimein auttaa. Sisäelimissä havaittiin kuitenkin suurentunut maksa, munuaisongelmia. Koepaloista ei saatu täysin kunnollisia näytteitä mutta kaikki näytteet viittasivat borrelia-bakteeriin.

Nyt Ken on toipumassa ja on päässyt kotihoitoon. Perhe halusi kertoa tarinan jotta muut oppisivat heidän kokemuksestaan. Ken ei olllut koskaan nähnyt itsessään punkkia tai ihomuutosta."

Lyme Disease Proves Nearly Fatal for Canaan Youth

Published: Wednesday, June 27, 2012


CANAAN?With a 16-year-old?s feeling of invincibility, Ken Weaver of Canaan always neglected to check himself for ticks after spending time outdoors in his rural hometown or after hiking in the hills. It is doubtful he will ever be as cavalier again.

Severe Cardiac Problem

The young man returned to Canaan this week after spending a week in Boston Children?s Hospital, where he was admitted June 18 with severe cardiac symptoms after collapsing in his home on June 17.

According to his mother, Beverly Becker, Ken had been complaining about headaches for some time before his symptoms became acute. He began to become nauseated, could not keep food down, and his mother took him to see their family physician. Some tests were ordered at Sharon Hospital and mother and son made the trip to the nearby town, young Ken resisting all the way.

?Ken didn?t want the tests,? Ms. Becker said. ?He?s never been sick, never even had a stitch in his life. When we got out of the hospital after they did the tests, I said, ?Let?s get a sandwich? and he was able to keep that down.?

But the boy was not getting better. Saturday he asked his mother to get him some Tums because he felt bloated and uncomfortable. She brought home some gingerale and over-the-counter medications, but the young man could tolerate neither. ?He lost it,? she reported.

But worse was still to come. Sunday morning, he again tried to eat. As he stood up to go to the bathroom, his head swam and he fell against the door. ?He came out of the bathroom and said he wanted to go to the emergency room,? Ms. Becker recounted. ?Then he really started to shake. We thought he was having convulsions.?

Ken?s father, Rick Weaver, called for the ambulance and the teen was transported to Fairview Hospital in Great Barrington, Mass. There he was examined and medical personnel counted 10 red bull?s eyes on his legs and torso. It was also noted that his heart rate had slowed dramatically, down to 22 beats a minute. Epinephrine was administered, boosting his heart rate to 50 beats a minute and he was immediately transported to Baystate Medical Center in Springfield, Mass., where a team of doctors and nurses gathered round him. The upper and lower chambers of his heart were beating out of sync and a defibrillator was applied to try to shock the heart into a regular rhythm.

?Then all hell broke loose,? his mother reported. ?His heart rate rose to 280. At one point they lost him.? Technically, Ken Weaver was dead from a tiny tick bite.

He was resuscitated successfully, however, and a pacemaker was installed. A long, arduous transport to Boston?s Children?s Hospital, a pediatric teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School, followed. ?They wanted to take him by LifeStar, but it was too foggy,? said Ms. Becker. ?We had to go by ambulance, which was dangerous. It was treacherous?they said his heart could stop at any time.?

Indeed, the boy?s heart was shocked back to action a number of times on the trip. ?We got there at 3:30 in the morning and he was put on machines and monitors. He had nine vials of stuff going into him,? Ms. Becker said.

He was put on a ventilator and sent into an induced coma until Tuesday.

By then the potent medicines were beating back the disease and he was taken off the respirator. Wednesday the pacemaker was replaced with a different model and biopsies were taken to determine the level of damage to his internal organs. ?His liver was enlarged and he had kidney problems, so they didn?t want to inject too much dye,? Ms. Becker said. ?They never really got good biopsies, but everything kept coming up Lyme Disease.?

But young Ken had rounded the corner and with the amazing resilience of youth he was on his feet by the end of the week and was discharged on Saturday. He is now recuperating at home, on a regimen of heavy antibiotics. He is expected to make a full recovery and may even be able to make a planned trip to Florida on July 14. A party will be planned to celebrate the birthday he missed on June 18 while still in a coma.

?Everything seems to be getting back to normal now and they tell him he will never get that sick again from this. One thing in his favor is that he plays football and basketball and he was in good physical condition and health,? his mother said. ?He has been told to be a couch potato for a week and not to walk alone.?

Ms. Becker said the family wants to make his story public in an attempt to spare another family such a fearsome experience.

?He never saw a tick or knew he had been bitten,? she said.

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