Miten Borrelioosi ilmenee lapsilla ja nuorilla?

Valvojat: Jatta1001, Borrelioosiyhdistys, Waltari, Bb

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Liittynyt: Ke Tammi 21, 2009 14:16


Viesti Kirjoittaja soijuv » Ke Loka 28, 2009 14:32

Tri Cosaro kertoi v. 1996 Borrelioosikongressissa näkevänsä toistuvasti lasten sairastuneen vakavasti heidän saatuaan influenssarokotteen. Mikäli lapsella (aikuisella) on latentti borrelioosi rokote saattaa aktivoida taudin esiin. Yleisesti ottaen rokotteiden tiedetään aktivoivan esim. niveltulehduksia. Sama tapahtuu borrelioosin kohdalla. Olen tavannut useita potilaita joiden oireet ovat puhjenneet 2 viikon sisällä rokotteen saannista.

source: LDF tapes of the 1996 Boston Conference on Lyme Disease. Dr. Cosaro is a pediactric infectious disease doctor in Weschester County NewYork. "Dr. Cosaro: "I'd like to comment from the point of view of pediatrics. Thisis something I do see on a regular basis. If you have latent Lyme disease,that's Lyme disease unrecognized and you receive the standard immunizations,your disease can be reactivated instead of quieted......In the rheumatologicalliterature it is well known that if you have active juvenile rheumatoidarthritis, you should not receive any of the standard immunizations DPT,measles, flu shot because these are known to reactivate the arthritis phase ofthat disease.

The same thing happens in Lyme disease and I've seen a lot ofpatients who we clearly can state that their symptoms started within 2 weeks ofreceiving the measles, mumps, german measles shots, for instance, which ismandatory for 5 year olds in New York before they start kindergarden. I see anumber of children present with arthritis, children whose symptoms began withintwo weeks of receiving that immunization."

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