Ruotsalainen Borrelioosilääkäri K. Sandström vaikeuksissa

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Valvojat: Jatta1001, Borrelioosiyhdistys, Waltari, Bb

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Viestit: 3040
Liittynyt: Ke Tammi 21, 2009 14:16

Ruotsalainen Borrelioosilääkäri K. Sandström vaikeuksissa

Viesti Kirjoittaja soijuv » Ke Maalis 08, 2017 11:04

Tri Kenneth Sandström on parhaillaan vaikeuksissa viranomaisten vuoksi. Hän on menettänyt toimilupansa koska on kirjoittanut borrelioosia sairastaville potilailleen pidempiä antibioottihoitoja kuin on ollut normaali käytäntö. Kahdella eri koulukunnalla on hoidoista toisistaan voimakkaasti poikkeavat näkemykset. IDSA näkökantaa edustavat ovat sitä mieltä että lyhyt hoito riittää. ILADS tutkijoiden ja lääkäreiden näkemyksenä on että hoidon tulee olla yksilöllinen eikä antibioottihoidon pituudelle voida asettaa ennaltamäärättyä takarajaa. Potilaan taudinkulku ja oireisto on huomioitava hoidoista päätettäessä.

Hänen puolestaan voi nyt käydä allekirjoittamassa vetoomuksen osoitteessa

ruotsiksi; ... -_aka_dr_x


We have a Doctor in Sweden, who has saved a lot of lives, that now has lost his licence.

The reason is that he with certain, more difficult cases of tick borne diseases, has prescribed longer and tougher courses of antibiotics, then what is general practice and whats allowed here in Sweden.

We need help to organize support for Dr Kenneth Sandström.

A doctor's primary mission is to alleviate symptoms and heal disease, which Dr. Sandström did, where other doctors for years failed to make the correct diagnosis and provide appropriate treatment, due to carelessness and ignorance. He is a doctor, that with great empathy and expertise, puts a lot of time into helping his patients. Furthermore, He achieves an outcome that the conventional care doesn’t come close to. Swedish doctors spend the least time in Europe on their patients, which is partly due to that our health care system is built around economic interests rather than patient needs.

He is a member of ILADS and has been taught by the best specialists in the world, with great knowledge of the complex Lyme disease bacterium and its co-infections. He has participated in conferences around the world to gain a unique insight. In Sweden, knowledge is low among physicians and other health professionals, largely because there is no requirement for continuing education, as in most other countries.

Tick borne ​​diseases has low priority, despite the fact that there are around 40,000 patients a year who contract Lyme disease (according to Scand Tick) and other tick infections in Sweden we know very little about. The big problem is that about 5 -10% of those affected by Lyme disease develops long-term, chronic symptoms and these patients are in most cases without any help from health care.

There are some doctors in Sweden who see this problem. They see, the usually difficult but characteristic symptoms and the patient's suffering, but do not dare to treat, for fear of being reported and thus lose their licenses. If Dr. Sandström loses his license, these doctors would hesitate even more and perhaps resign from helping the desperately needing and suffering patients.

Lyme disease is a rapidly spreading disease worldwide, and with the warmer climate, the spread is likely to increase even more in the future. Anyone can become afflicted and there is a risk of misdiagnosis and improper treatment. This can lead to unnecessary suffering and long sick leaves. ILADS guidelines for treatment and therapy regarding persistent Lyme disease has been proven in studies. Over 90% gets better or completely recovered.

It is important that the swedish doctors should be able to treat and cure their patients without having to worry about any reprisals and retracted licenses. In the United States legislation is put to order that will protect such doctors under the same conditions.

Our support for Dr. Sandstrom is pathfinding, and our hope is that it will encourage other doctors to learn more about tick-borne diseases, and to treat according to ILADS recommendations.

To punish Dr. Sandstrom because he has chosen to continue his education in this field and to let the knowledge be of benefit to patients is completely unacceptable!

It is therefore important that as many people as possible to sign this petition!


Read more about ILADS mission here:

About Dr Sandströms work (locked) ... bli-jagad-


Study: ... me-disease

Viestit: 3040
Liittynyt: Ke Tammi 21, 2009 14:16

Re: Ruotsalainen Borrelioosilääkäri K. Sandström vaikeuksiss

Viesti Kirjoittaja soijuv » Ke Maalis 08, 2017 11:09 ... 8b584dfb74

The top doctor in Sweden for treatment of advanced Lyme disease has been suspended from practicing medicine, leaving hundreds of patients without care in a country with a large and growing problem of tick-borne disease.

The physician, Kenneth Sandström, said the action was taken because he treated patients with longer courses of antibiotics than recommended by prevailing treatment guidelines.

Sandström is a seasoned general practitioner who treated his first Lyme disease case about five years ago, when a registered nurse who had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis asked him to treat her for possible Lyme disease. He studied the scientific literature for several months – he at first thought the idea was “rubbish” — then put her on four months of antibiotics.
Mary Beth Pfeiffer
Dr. Kenneth Sandström at a Lyme disease conference in Philadelphia last year.

“Twenty years of MS was gone,” he told me at a conference in Philadelphia last November when he was facing disciplinary charges. He acknowledged that other cases were not as “easy” but said he saw overall and sometimes-dramatic improvement from longer antibiotic treatment. “You have to accept this is something,” he said.

‘For patients, it’s a catastrophe.’ — Janna Strandli, president of the Swedish Lyme Disease Association

More than 6,000 people signed an online petition and 400 patients left messages of support when his disciplinary action was announced in 2014. People with Lyme disease and their advocates were devastated by the news of Sandström’s suspension.

“For the patients this means they have to turn to doctors abroad to get treatment, and for those who can’t afford this or are too ill to travel, it’s a catastrophe,” said Janna Strandli, president of the Swedish Lyme Disease Association. “Dr. Sandström has helped so many patients to regain their health and hope to get well again.”

In an email after the licensing board’s decision, Dr. Sandström said the suspension was based on charges related to prescribing the antibiotic Rifampicin to 13 patients, all of whom Sandström said got better. The suspension was not for a set amount of time; Sandström said he would appeal.

Southern Sweden has Western Europe’s highest rate of Lyme disease at 464 cases per 100,000 residents, according to published research, rivaling rates in the U.S. Northeast. In Sweden, a warming climate has helped push diseased ticks about 300 miles further north in recent years, part of a global trend that I will write about in an upcoming book.

Dr. Sandström’s case demonstrates the worldwide influence of Lyme treatment guidelines developed in the United States by the Infectious Diseases Society of America. Those guidelines, which generally limit antibiotic courses to 10 to 28 days, were removed last year from the National Guidelines Clearinghouse because they had not been updated since 2006. Currently, the NGC has approved posting the guidelines of the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society, which recommend longer and, for potentially chronic cases of disease, repeated rounds of antibiotics, and which Sandström said he followed.
Few doctors available

Because there are so few physicians willing to treat intractable Lyme disease cases, Swedish patients — and those in other countries as well — often travel at great cost to the United States, England, Germany or elsewhere for care. About a dozen U.S. states, including New York, have passed laws governing Lyme disease insurance coverage and care, including some that protect physicians who deviate from mainstream treatment recommendations. These doctors also use herbs, supplements and dietary measures to restore health to patients with Lyme and other tick-borne illnesses.

Mats Lindström, who lives in Stockholm, said his wife, Claudia, 47, was bedridden for seven years before going to Dr. Sandström in February of 2016. Within three months of receiving intravenous antibiotic treatment, she could get out of bed, he said. Realizing Dr. Sandström was facing loss of his license, the couple then sought care in Germany, where Claudia received seven more months of treatment and has progressed, Lindström said, from a 2 on a scale of 10 to about a 5.5 – better but not fully recovered.

When I spoke to Lindström, the couple was visiting Claudia’s father in Florida, the first time he saw her without a wheelchair in seven years. “We didn’t get any help from Swedish health care,” which recommended psychological services and programs to help with daily living, Lindström said. In a blog read by 50,000 people, Lindström wrote about the case of a 6-year-old girl who was deathly ill with Lyme disease; he said Sandström “saved her life.”

“It’s the only Lyme doctor we have in the whole of Sweden,” he said.

‘There is more suffering from chronic Lyme than HIV and breast cancer together.’ — Dr. Kenneth Sandström

Linda Heed Andersson is a 39-year-old former taxi driver from the west coast of Sweden, who was bitten by a tick when she was 30. Dr. Sandström began treating her with antibiotics about six months ago; she said her pain and “feverish feeling” have been reduced by about 80 percent.

“I´m still very, very tired, but as soon as I stop eating antibiotics the pain is quick coming back,” she wrote in an email. Now disabled, she wondered what she will do since she doesn’t have “the strength to travel anywhere and when you have been sick for nearly 10 years you aren’t rich.”

“It is awful that he cannot continue his fantastic work to help all,” she wrote of Sandström. “I cried today when I heard that he was losing his license to be a doctor.”

Sandström is one of two Swedish doctors who belong to the ILADS group, which provides continuing education on tick-borne diseases for physicians, a society spokesperson said. Its next conference will be in Paris in May, where a French physician told me of similar pressures on doctors to adhere to the rigid IDSA guidelines.

‘A chronic disease’

While those guidelines have long prevailed in France, “there are more people…who believe that there is a real problem and that there is a chronic disease,” said Christian Perronne, a physician on the infectious diseases faculty at the University of Versailles-St Quentin. “More and more GPs agree and want to take care of patients but they are not sure — that the prosecutions will not stop.”

In 2011, the United Kingdom’s General Medical Council ruled that a general practitioner from northern England near Manchester was “impaired” to practice, a move related to his treatment of Lyme disease patients. Patients there told me the physician had helped many people. Patients in the U.K. and at least a half-dozen other countries have reported being refused treatment by multiple physicians.

Although Dr. Sandström began treating Lyme disease only a half-decade ago, he said that tick-borne disease accounted for about 70 percent of his practice. “There is more suffering from chronic Lyme than HIV and breast cancer together,” he said. “I just know how many people are sick.”

Viestit: 3040
Liittynyt: Ke Tammi 21, 2009 14:16

Re: Ruotsalainen Borrelioosilääkäri K. Sandström vaikeuksiss

Viesti Kirjoittaja soijuv » Ke Maalis 08, 2017 11:20

Ruotsinkielinen vetoomus lääkärin ja hänen toimilupansa puolesta. Sen voi allekirjoittaa jokainen joka kokee asian tärkeäksi. Amerikassa muutamissa osavaltioissa on jouduttu lainsäädännön avulla turvaamaan lääkäreille mahdollisuuss hoitaa potilaitaan parhaaksi katsomallaan tavalla. Keski-Eurooppalaisilla lääkäreillä on valmistuttuaan huomattavasti vapaammat oikeudet hoitaa potilaitaan kuin Pohjoismaisilla kollegoillaan. Tulisiko meilläkin taata lainsäädännön kautta lääkäreiden oikeudet hoitaa potilaitaan parhaaksi katsomillaan hoidoilla? Vaikea kysymys. ... -_aka_dr_x


Vi har en läkare i Sverige som räddat många liv, som nu har förlorat sin läkarlegitimation. Anledningen är att han i vissa svårare fall av konstaterad fästinginfektion, har förskrivit längre och mer avancerad behandling än vad dagens praxis i Sverige medger. Vi behöver hjälp att organisera stöd för Dr. Kenneth Sandström - så han får tillbaka den.

En läkares främsta uppgift är att lindra och bota, vilket Dr. Sandström gjort, där andra läkare under flera år misslyckats med att ställa rätt diagnos och att ge rätt behandling och svikit på grund av nonchalans och okunskap. Han är en läkare, som med stor empati och kunnande lägger mycket tid på att hjälpa sina patienter. Han uppnår dessutom ett resultat som den konventionella vården inte kommer i närheten av. Svenska läkare spenderar minst tid i Europa på sina patienter, vilket delvis beror på att vårt sjukvårdssystem är byggt kring ekonomiska intressen istället för patientens behov.

Han är medlem i ILADS och har lärt sig av de främsta specialisterna i världen, med stor kunskap om den komplexa borreliabakterien och dess co-infektioner. Han har deltagit i konferenser världen över för att skaffa sig unik kunskap. I Sverige är kunnandet lågt bland läkare och övrig vårdpersonal, vilket till stor del beror på att det inte finns något krav på kontinuerlig vidareutbildning, som i de flesta andra länder.

Fästingsjukdomar har låg prioritet, trots att det är runt 40 000 patienter per år som insjuknar i borrelia (enligt Scandtick) och övriga fästinginfektioner i Sverige vet man väldigt lite om. Det stora problemet är att cirka 5 -10 % av dem som drabbats av borrelia utvecklar långvariga, kroniska besvär och dessa patienter står i de flesta fall helt utan hjälp från vården. Det finns en del läkare i Sverige som ser det här problemet. De ser de oftast svåra men karaktäristiska symptomen och patientens lidande, men vågar inte behandla, av rädsla för att bli anmälda och att därmed förlora sina legitimationer. Om Dr. Sandström förlorar sin legitimation kommer dessa läkare att tveka än mer och kanske avstå att hjälpa desperat behövande och lidande patienter.

Borrelia är en snabbt ökande sjukdom världen över och med det varmare klimatet kan spridningen sannolikt öka än mer i framtiden. Vem som helst kan drabbas och riskerar då att få felaktig diagnos och felaktig behandling. Detta kan leda till onödigt lidande och långa sjukskrivningar. ILADS rekommendationer för behandlingsterapi gällande persisterande borrelia har visat sig fungera i studier. Över 90 % blir bättre eller helt bra.

Det är viktigt att svenska läkare ska kunna behandla och bota sina patienter utan att oroa sig för eventuella repressalier och indragna legitimationer. I USA kommer nu lagstiftning med syfte att skydda sådana läkare under motsvarande förutsättningar. Vårt stöd för Dr. Sandström blir vägvisande och vår förhoppning är att det ska uppmuntra andra läkare att lära sig mer om fästingburna sjukdomar, för att kunna behandla enligt ILADS rekommendationer. Att straffa Dr. Sandström för att han har valt att vidareutbilda sig inom området och låtit den kunskapen komma till nytta för patienterna är helt oacceptabelt!

Det är därför viktigt att så många som möjligt skriver på denna petition!


Läs mer om ILADS arbete här:

Om Dr Sandströms arbete (låst) ... bli-jagad-


Studie: ... me-disease

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