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Valvojat:Jatta1001, Borrelioosiyhdistys, Waltari, Bb

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Liittynyt:Ke Tammi 21, 2009 14:16

Viesti Kirjoittaja soijuv » Ma Loka 10, 2011 12:38

Video + artikkeli ... 1075.story

"19-vuotias Mary Hendricks sai autismi diagnoosin 2-vuotiaana. Hän ei kykene puhumaan eikä luomaan katsekontaktia. Taustalla oli kuitenkin jotakin diagnosoimatonta. Asia selvisi vasta Maryn ollessa 17-vuotias.

Marylla oli ruuansulatusongelmia, ihoinfektioita, sisäelinongelmia. Hänellä oli kipuja lähes koko ajan. Äiti vei tytön vuosien aikana lääkäriltä toiselle. Lääkärit etsivät kuitenkin aina nopeaa ratkaisua tytön oireisiin. Mary itki kivusta, löi päätään ja puri itseään.

Tätä jatkui 17v kunnes perhe tapasi lääkärin joka selvitti ongelmia laajemmin. Ensin lääkäri selvitti äidin, Tinan, terveydentilaa. Tina kertoi että hän oli taistellut vuosien ajan erilaisten oireiden kanssa; suolistotulehduksia, fibromyalgia kipuja, jatkuvia nuhaoireita jne. Lääkäri kertoi ratkaisun Maryn terveydentilaan löytyvän äidistä.

Tinalle ja Marylle tehtiin ensin borreliatestit. Ne olivat positiiviset. Tina kertoi että hänellä oli ollut 2 punkinpuremaa ennen raskaaksi tuloa. Hän poisti ne eikä ajatellut asiaa sen kummemmin.

"Mikäli lapsella on autismi syntymästä saakka, on sen syynä yleensä äidiltä saatu infektio. Erityisesti borrelia-bakteeri aiheuttaa vastasyntyneiden autismia, sanoo autismiin erikoistunut lääkäri Lynn Miekle. Marylle aloitettiin Borrelioosihoidot ja muutamassa viikossa alkoi näkyä tuloksi jotka ylittivät ennakkodotukset. "On uskomatonta kun Mary herää nauraen eikä valita kipuja. Emme ole kuulleet naurua vuosiin."

Lääkäri Miekle sanoo Maryn saaneen tartunnan äidiltään raskauden aikana ja uskoo bakteerin olevan ensisijaisena syynä Maryn autismiin. Maryn oireiden vaikeuden vuoksi ei ole odotettavissa täydellistä paranemista mutta pienetkin positiiviset muutokset ovat merkittäviä.

Tri Miekle kertoo että autismiin sairastuneista osa on parantunut kokonaan kun he ovat saaneet borrelioosihoidot."

Doctors Find Link Between Mother's Illness & Child's Autism

Eric Harryman FOX40 News

9:48 p.m. PDT, September 26, 2011

The mystery of autism may never be solved, but research is giving doctors new hope in trying to put the puzzle pieces together. Doctors are starting to find links between children with autism and other diseases that may play a role. One of those links now has a name, it?s called ?Lyme Induced Autism?.

19-year-old Mary Hendricks was diagnosed with severe autism and developmental delay before she was 2 years old.

"She had a little bit of language and lost it. A little bit of eye contact and lost it," said Mary?s mom, Tina Hendricks.

But there was something more going on with Mary that was going undiagnosed, and it stayed that way for 17 years.

"She was having these developmental issues, but she was also sick," continued Tina.

Mary was sick with digestive problems, skin infections and internal problems that caused Mary to be in pain for a large majority of every day. The Hendricks took Mary to doctor after doctor in hopes of finding one that could pinpoint the problem, but each doctors visit seemed to be only a quick fix for the immediate issue.

"If she was awake she was moaning, crying out in pain, biting herself, chewing on herself, banging herself in the head," said Mary?s dad, Danny Hendricks.

That cycle continued for 17 years, until the Hendricks were sent to an Autism Specialist who had a whole new take on Mary and the issues that had taken over her life. That specialist asked Tina about her own health history.

Tina told the doctor that for years she had battled her own health issues; including colitis, fibromyalgia and symptoms that seemed like a never ending bout with the flu.

"He said the key to diagnosing Mary, is diagnosing you," Tina told FOX40.

The specialist ordered a Lyme Disease test for Tina and it came back positive and a few days later, Mary also tested positive for Lyme. Tina says before she got pregnant with Mary, she found two ticks on her skin. She removed them and never really thought much about the possibility of Lyme.

"If a child has autism from birth, many times it's because the child inherited an infection from the mother. I do think that Lyme disease, especially congenital Lyme is a cause of autism ," said Autism Specialist Dr. Lynn Mielke.

Dr. Miekle says Mary contracted Lyme disease from Tina through pregnancy and she believes the Lyme played a big role in the development of Mary?s autism. Immediately, Mielke started a full assault on Mary?s Lyme symptoms and in a matter of weeks the success was beyond their expectations.

"As we treat Mary for her Lyme, some of her check list autism symptoms are disappearing," said Tina.

"For her to wake up, smile and giggle and laugh .. we haven't heard that for years," added Danny.

Miekle told FOX40 the severity of Mary?s autism may prevent her from having improvement beyond minimal, but for the Hendricks even small improvements translate to be huge miracles.

"I have had patients in my practice with autism who when we treated their Lyme disease, their autism improved so much that they were no longer autistic,? said Mielke.

Copyright © 2011, KTXL-TV

Liittynyt:Ke Tammi 21, 2009 14:16

Viesti Kirjoittaja soijuv » Ma Tammi 16, 2012 14:46

Borrelioosi - linkki äidin sairauden ja lapsen autismin välillä.

VIDEO: ... 1075.story

19-vuotiaalla Mary Hendricksillä diagnosoitiin vaikea autismi 2-vuotiaana.
Hän menetti puhekyvyn ja katsekontaktin. Maryllä oli lukuisia muitakin oireita kuten ruuansulatusongelmia, ihotulehduksia ja sisäelinongelmia jotka aiheuttivat hänelle jatkuvia kipuja.

Tätä jatkui 17 vuotta. Silloin Tina sai lähetteen autismiin erikoistuneelle lääkärille joka kertoi lapsen oireiden johtuvan äidistä. Tina oli vuosien ajan sairastanut jatkuvia nuhia, suolitulehduksia, fibromyalgiaa jne. Lääkäri otatti Tinalta borreliatestin ja se oli positiivinen. Myös Maryn testi oli positiivinen. Tina kertoi löytäneensä aikoinaan, raskauden alussa, iholtaan kaksi punkkia. Hän poisti ne eikä ajatellut asiaa sen kummemmin.

"Mikäli lapsella on autismi syntymästään saakka, on se usein äidiltä saadun infektion aiheuttama. Olen sitä mieltä että erityisesti synnynnäinen Borrelioosi on autismin aiheuttaja, sanoo Autismin asiantuntija tohtori Lynn Mielke. Hän sanoo Maryn saaneen borrelia-bakteerin äidiltään raskauden aikana ja sen aiheuttaneen suurimman osan Maryn oireista." Mary saa nyt hoitoa Borrelioosiin ja jotkin hänen autismioireistaan ovat jo alkaneet hävitä. "Hän hymyilee ja nauraa .. emme ole kuulleet sitä vuosiin - Mielke kertoo.

Mielken mukaan Maryn autismioireiden vakavuus voi olla esteenä täydelliselle paranemiselle. Hänellä on kuitenkin ollut potilastapauksia joissa autismioireet ovat hävinneet Borrelioosihoitojen ansiosta kokonaan."

Doctors Find Link Between Mother's Illness & Child's Autism

Video: A Push For Tougher Lyme Disease Testing Standards

Eric Harryman FOX40 News

9:48 p.m. PDT, September 26, 2011

The mystery of autism may never be solved, but research is giving doctors new hope in trying to put the puzzle pieces together. Doctors are starting to find links between children with autism and other diseases that may play a role. One of those links now has a name, it?s called ?Lyme Induced Autism?.

19-year-old Mary Hendricks was diagnosed with severe autism and developmental delay before she was 2 years old.

"She had a little bit of language and lost it. A little bit of eye contact and lost it," said Mary?s mom, Tina Hendricks.

But there was something more going on with Mary that was going undiagnosed, and it stayed that way for 17 years.

"She was having these developmental issues, but she was also sick," continued Tina.

Mary was sick with digestive problems, skin infections and internal problems that caused Mary to be in pain for a large majority of every day. The Hendricks took Mary to doctor after doctor in hopes of finding one that could pinpoint the problem, but each doctors visit seemed to be only a quick fix for the immediate issue.

"If she was awake she was moaning, crying out in pain, biting herself, chewing on herself, banging herself in the head," said Mary?s dad, Danny Hendricks.

That cycle continued for 17 years, until the Hendricks were sent to an Autism Specialist who had a whole new take on Mary and the issues that had taken over her life. That specialist asked Tina about her own health history.

Tina told the doctor that for years she had battled her own health issues; including colitis, fibromyalgia and symptoms that seemed like a never ending bout with the flu.

"He said the key to diagnosing Mary, is diagnosing you," Tina told FOX40.

The specialist ordered a Lyme Disease test for Tina and it came back positive and a few days later, Mary also tested positive for Lyme. Tina says before she got pregnant with Mary, she found two ticks on her skin. She removed them and never really thought much about the possibility of Lyme.

"If a child has autism from birth, many times it's because the child inherited an infection from the mother. I do think that Lyme disease, especially congenital Lyme is a cause of autism ," said Autism Specialist Dr. Lynn Mielke.

Dr. Miekle says Mary contracted Lyme disease from Tina through pregnancy and she believes the Lyme played a big role in the development of Mary?s autism. Immediately, Mielke started a full assault on Mary?s Lyme symptoms and in a matter of weeks the success was beyond their expectations.

"As we treat Mary for her Lyme, some of her check list autism symptoms are disappearing," said Tina.

"For her to wake up, smile and giggle and laugh .. we haven't heard that for years," added Danny.

Miekle told FOX40 the severity of Mary?s autism may prevent her from having improvement beyond minimal, but for the Hendricks even small improvements translate to be huge miracles.

"I have had patients in my practice with autism who when we treated their Lyme disease, their autism improved so much that they were no longer autistic,? said Mielke.

Copyright © 2012, KTXL-TV

Liittynyt:Ke Tammi 21, 2009 14:16

Viesti Kirjoittaja soijuv » Ma Huhti 02, 2012 17:31

Tutkimuksen autismi oireisilla lapsilla borreliatestit olivat positiiviset. Tutkijoiden mukaan pitkäaikainen antibioottihoito saattaa olla autismi/Borrelioosi - oireisille lapsille tehokas hoitomuoto. ... ct#FCANote

Long term antibiotic therapy may be an effective treatment for children co-morbid with Lyme disease and Autism Spectrum Disorder

Mason Kuhnemail address
Shannon Graveemail address
Robert Bransfieldemail address
Steven Harrisemail address

Received 10 October 2011; accepted 19 January 2012. published online 23 February 2012.
Corrected Proof

Full Text


Patients diagnosed with Lyme disease share many of the same physical manifestations as those diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). In this study four male children (ages 26?55months) who have an ASD diagnosis and one male child (age 18months) who displayed behaviors consistent with an ASD, were assessed using the SCERTS Assessment Process Observation (SAP-O) form. The SAP-O meets state and federal requirements for providing a comprehensive, ongoing assessment of a child with an ASD [33].

The SAP-O form measures children?s abilities using observational, authentic assessment procedures in the domains of joint attention, symbol use, mutual regulation, and self regulation via observations of specific behaviors in familiar settings [33].

The five children tested positive for Lyme disease
and their SAP-O score was evaluated before and after 6months of antibiotic therapy. Each child was prescribed 200mg of amoxicillin three times per day and three of the five children were prescribed an additional 50mg of Azithromycin once per day. All of the children?s scores on the SAP-O assessment improved after 6months of antibiotic therapy. The assessors also reported anecdotal data of improved speech, eye contact, sleep behaviors, and a reduction of repetitive behaviors.

Liittynyt:Ke Tammi 21, 2009 14:16

Viesti Kirjoittaja soijuv » Ke Huhti 04, 2012 12:00

Ei tutkimus mutta mielenkiintoinen artikkeli autismin ja bakteerien mahdollisesta yhteydestä.

Ranskassa 10 lääkäriä kirjoittaa antibiootteja autismia sairastaville lapsille. Tulokset ovat olleet hämmästyttäviä; 200 lapsesta 80% :lla oireet ovat alkaneet vähetä jopa dramaattisesti. Asiaa tutkitaan parhaillaan yhdessä suuressa sairaalassa. Ohjelmassa haastateltiin myösyhtä Autistisen lapsen äitiä. Äiti kertoi lapsen olevan nykyään normaali, mutta tarvitsevan aika ajoin edelleen antibiootteja. Tri Philippe Raymond hoitaa autistisia lapsia pitkillä, yli kahden vuoden, ab hoidoilla Feb 17th, 2012

Ohjelma on ladattu myös Youtubeen: ...

Summary of the French transcript of this program which was shown yesterday on one of the main National TV channels in France (19/20 France 3, Feb 17th, 2012).

Prof Montagnier and Prof Perronne are also very Lyme aware, and so is Montagnier.

A Dr Philippe Raymond who treats autistic children with courses of abx- over a period of 2 years is also interviewed. Feb 17th, 2012

9/20 Friday 17 February 2012. Antibiotics and Autism

About 10 doctors in France prescribe anti-infectious drugs to childen with autism, the results are amazing: 200 children were treated with antibiotics and 4 out of 5 of these children saw their symptoms regress dramatically or disappear altogether. A proper study in a major hospital is apparently going to be conducted. I will find out more about it.
Prof Montagnier (Nobel Prize) and Prof Christian Perronne, infectious disease specialist are interviewed. Also interviewed are one of the doctors treating autism with antibiotics, and the speech therapist who sees one of the kids treated. Alexander's mother is also interviewed, she describes how sick and unresponsive her child was and how he is now normal but has to be periodically retreated.

Liittynyt:Su Helmi 17, 2013 16:59


Viesti Kirjoittaja Jatta1001 » Ti Maalis 05, 2019 11:36 ... 53MSFS5ej4

Tohtori Philippe Raymond (ryhmä lääkäreitä ja tiedemiehiä nimeltä CHRONIMED): «Alexandre sai säännöllisesti antibioottikuureja. Kuurit annettiin säännöllisesti ensimmäisen 6 kuukauden jakson aikana mutta kuurien tiheys väheni sen jälkeen, ja toisesta vuodesta lähtien hänet vain vetäytyi syrjään aina kun hän sairastui uudestaan (kyllä, joskus esiintyy relapseja).

Noin 10 lääkäriä Ranskassa määrää anti-infektiivisiä lääkkeitä lapsille joilla on autismi, tulokset ovat hämmästyttäviä: viimeisten 6 vuoden aikana 200 lasta hoidettiin antibiooteilla ja neljä viidestä näistä lapsesta koki oireensa taantuivat voimakkaasti tai katosivat kokonaan.

Tohtori Philippe Raymond: «Kun se toimii, käyttäytymisen ja jopa kognitiivisten oireiden tulokset ovat ilmeisiä ainoastaan kolmen kuukauden kuluttua. Ensimmäisenä kuukautena huomasin, että näillä lapsilla on jo rauhallisempi elämä, he hymyilevät, heidän kasvonsa ovat rennommat, he eivät käyttäydy väärin niin paljon, he eivät ole niin sairaita.

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