Paula Brown

Voiko Borrelioosiin/lisäinfektioihin kuolla?

Valvojat:Jatta1001, Borrelioosiyhdistys, Waltari, Bb

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Liittynyt:Ke Tammi 21, 2009 14:16
Paula Brown

Viesti Kirjoittaja soijuv » Ke Loka 17, 2012 21:24

Paulalla oli aikoinaan kasvohermohalvaus joka parani antibiooteilla ja yrteillä. Häntä hoitava lääkäri menetti lääkärinlupansa koska hoiti potilaitaan normaaleista hoitokäytännöistä poiketen. Paula oli asiasta erittäin murheellinen. Paulan oireet palasivat; hän menetti liikuntakyvyn, puhekyvyn eikä kyennyt nielemään (ALS-oireet). Hän sai apua oireisiin mutta uusi lääkäri ei halunnut hoitaa borrelioosia antibiooteilla. Paula menehtyi joulukuussa 2011.

"I'm really sad to report that Paula Brown (UK) has lost her fight against Lyme Disease / Motor Neurone. She passed away in a hospice December 2011.

During her illness she suffered from Bell's Palsy which resolved with antibiotic & herbal treatment. Sadly her Lyme literate doctor was suspended from practise due to witch hunts within the national health system. Her Lyme doctor was her rock & she was very sad to lose his continued support.

Paula began to develop motor neurone symptoms during her illness. She lost her voice, as well as her mobiity & was unable to swallow. The NHS helped her with a hoist, speaking machine & head operated mouse. She was able to get a great deal of help for her motor neurone synmptoms but sadly her GP was not supportive of the Lyme diagnosis & so getting treatment for that became nigh on imposisble. She was too ill to travel to gain help from others.

Her family were very supportive & she really appreciated cards & messages from friends on Eurolyme.

I hope she is able to rest in peace.

With best wishes, Jenny O'Dea (Tick Talk Ireland)

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