Ruotsalaisen lääkärin vuosikausien taistelu

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Liittynyt:Ke Tammi 21, 2009 14:16
Ruotsalaisen lääkärin vuosikausien taistelu

Viesti Kirjoittaja soijuv » Ma Loka 21, 2013 12:46

Vuonna 1972 Ingrid Gamstorp, ruotsalainen lasten neurologi, huomasi 46-vuotiaana itsessään yleistä väsymystä ja tuntohäiriöitä pääasiassa vasemmassa kädessä. Seuraavina vuosina hänelle kehittyi vakavia tasapaino-ongelmia, tuntohäiriöitä molempiin käsiin, lihaskipuja, syväsärkyä, laihtumista ja kipeät jalat. Hän alkoi juosta lääkäriltä toiselle, masentui ja suunnitteli itsemurhaa. Syynä oireisiin pidettiin stressiä ja vaihdevuosia. Vasta 16 vuoden kuluttua ystävä huomasi hänen siniset kätensä ja ehdotti Lymen tautia, joka todettiin verikokeilla ja aloitettiin yhdeksän viikon antibioottikuuri. Viimeiset yhdeksän vuotta työelämässä Ingrid Gamstorp oli osittain työkyvytön ja hänen piti jäädä varhain eläkkeelle. Hän kuoli vuonna 2007. ( ... f374ae5fc0)

Ingrid Gamstorp
Born 1924
Died 2007

Related eponyms

Gamstorp's disease
Grund's syndrome

Swedish paediatric neurologist, born 1924, Lund; died December 26, 2007.
Biography of Ingrid Gamstorp

Ingrid Gamstorp was born in Lund the daughter of the then mayor Pehr Gamstorp and his wife Greta, née Alsén. Se chose natural sciences as her main topic in high school and following graduation in 1942 she commenced the study of medicine at the University of Lund.

As a medical candidate she belonged for some time to the staff that cared for concentration camp inmates liberated from Auschwitz and Bergen Belsen. After her medical examination she served for a shoter period of time at Sankt Lars before continuing as a subordinate physiciat in the medical clinic in Helsingborg, the in the children's ward in Kristianstad under the direction of Sten Axtrup.

She subsequently served as amanuensis, physician and assistant head physician in the children's clinic in Lund with professor Sture August Siwen (1897-1966) 1954-1967. In 1956 she defended her doctoral thesis " Adynamia episodica hereditaria" which earned her the prize for best dissertation from the Svenska Läkaresällskapet (Swedish Medical Association), and she became a lecturer in paediatrics.

In the mid 1960's she spent one year with the department of child neurology at Harvard University in Boston, returning as Sweden's best educated child neurologist.

She had a happy period as head physician in the children's clinic at the hospital in Jönköping, before being called to a newly established position in child neurology at the University of Uppsala in 1972, a tenure she held until her retirement in 1989. In 1972 she was was 46 year old and noticed generalized fatigue and paresthesias predominately in her left hand. Through the ensuing years, she developed serious balance problems, loss of fine sensation in both hands, multiple muscle pains, deep aches, weight loss, and painful feet. The disease was later diagnosed as Lyme disease and treated, but the disease disabled her and she had to retire early. She discribed her condition in the article Lyme Borreliosis from a Patient's View-point (1991).

Iréne Sjögren:
Ingrid Gamstorp: Kvinnan bakom Gamstorps syndrom.
Eulogy published on the website of the newspaper Sydsvenskan. First published on January 6, 2008; updated on January 9, 2008.

Gunnar Ahlsten, Orvar Eeg-Olofsson, Bo Strömberg:
Ingrid Gamstorp: Jubeldoktor – en av höjdpunkterna.
Eulogy published on the website of the newspaper Sydsvenskan, January 30, 2009. Firs published February 3, 2008, updated on february 5, 2008.

We thank Daniel Araujo and Henning Scheel for information submitted.

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